The Origin of 12 zodiac signs—— Mysterious Mercury

In The Roots of Different Modes of Thinking—Zodiac signs, I proved that the theory of constellation was credible. A question has been haunting me since then; What celestial objects do affect the process of human thought?

Apparently, it’s not the constellation(celestial objects) in astrology. Because the 12 zodiac signs are the yearly circular revolution of Earth, nonetheless, there are almost no changes over the year between them and the Earth, hence, the only possibility is celestial bodies within the solar system, which must be Venus and Mercury. This is because other objects have yet to complete their revolution by the time the Earth has. To discover an answer to this question, I used the software SpaceEngine, and I used the Earth as a reference, to view the orbital pathway or those two planets.


These numbers mark the position of Venus on the Birth Chart, specific time; 1.3 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.6 8.6 9.6 10.6 11.7 12.6(the median date of constellation.)
I didn’t find any thing after I drew out the orbital path of Venus. Then I drew out the orbital path of Mercury.


I felt exhilarated. The position of Mercury, in the space, is obvious.

Table of Elements:

The picture above, the position of those 3 group of numbers along with the yellow line are very close to each other, and the arc shape are similar. The number 2,6, and 10 are rather independently exist, and located the furthest (orange line) to the Earth, and approximate to a equilateral triangle(Red). Coincidentally, number 2, 6, 10 are all air signs. The Fire signs, 4, 8, and 12 are the closest to Earth. The position of these two group of numbers are kind opposite. In the astrology, they are opposite signs (opposite thinking characteristics). And the position of each two are opposite. The opposite patterns and constellation of zodiac signs, and the patterns of opposite signs are the same (the below picture). 

The remaining Earth signs (1,5,9) and Water signs (3, 7, 11) are vague. Then I tried other years. Since the time of one Mercury’s revolution is 87.968 days, and the orbital speed is way faster than Earth, thus, the position of Mercury is different every year on the Birth Chart. The picture below, Interestingly, Earth signs (1,5,9) and Water signs (3, 7, 11) become clearer. Their position exchanged with Wind signs and Fire Signs.

The area of birth chart:
Round - Sun Track, Orange - Earth Sign, Yellow - Air Sign, Blue - Water Sign, Red - Fire Sign

Change the angle, Face type?

There are a lot of funny parts in the picture, for instance, Shield of David. There are a lot of “3”s, and so on so forth.

There is a great correlation between the Mercury geometric logic and human consciousness(mental), and also represent physically(reality):
1. The density of Earth and Mercury was ranked the first and the second in the 8 planets. The reason caused these two objects have greater density is uncommon.
2. Mercury is the only planet with prominent magnetic field in Earth-like planets, besides the Earth. For a planet, with or without magnetic field is not a snap. It’s like a protective umbrella to Earth. Those detrimental solar and other spatial rays are resisted, therefore, A paradise for life is created.

Mercury was discovered by Semitic people before 3,000 BC. It was named as Ubu-idim-gud-ud. The detailed data was observed and recorded by Babylonians. Coincidentally, astrology also originated in the Semitic, 15th Century. The astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, said:” I’ve never seen Mercury in my life.” On his deathbed with a sigh. It’s difficult to see Mercury with nude eyes. It’s easy being flooded by lights for the least volume and the closest distance to the Sun. Only the sunrise and sunset will be seen vaguely. Then questions are derived; how did Semitic people observe and infer the orbital patterns of Mercury? And how did they discover the relation between Mercury and the process of human thinking? Why did the superstitious ancient people not choose other celestial objects instead of the tiny and inconspicuous Mercury?

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