
目前显示的是 2018的博文

Soviet Union Destroyed by Astrology——Superstitious Russia

There are many versions for the downfall of Soviet Union, such as ossified system, planned economy, intensified internal contradictions and unrealistic Utopia. All these come down to a series of national wrong decisions instead of the source of the problems.  That is, why did the country make wrong decisions?  Russia has been known to many for its sturdiness, but few get to see the superstition of Russians beyond your imagination. Spirit medium boasts a market of 30 billion USD in Russia.  Folk: 1/5 people once visited the “Psychics”. In Russia, there are around 10,0000 Psychics workers. According to the statistics of Sreda in 2013, 63% population believed in astrology. The variety show Battle of Psychics turns out to be the most popular spirit medium reality show. Since its release, it remains this way for 10 yeas consecutively. Every serial will attract 4 million audiences. Similar TV shows emerge one after another, including spirit medium TV st...

Астрология уничтожила СССР——Суеверие Россия

Есть очень много версий по прекращению существования CCCР, например: плановая экономика, внутреннее противоречие, нереалистичная утопия и так далее, все эти версии в основном можно отнести к ряду ошибочных решений страны, но все это не источник проблемы. Почему страна приняла ошибочное решение? Большинство людей знают, что россияне отважные, но о той стороне, что россияне суеверные, знают очень мало людей , степень данной веры за гранью понимания других людей, в России рынок ясновидения составляет сумму на 30 миллиардов долларов  В народе: в России приблизительно 100 тыс. работников экстрасенсов. По статистическим данным Sreda за 2013 году показали, что 63% людей верят в астрологию, телевизионная программа «Битва экстрасенсов» считается самым популярным в мире реалити-шоу. С начала трансляции и до сегодняшнего дня продолжается 10 лет. Каждую новую серию просматривают более 4 млн. чел.. Подобные телевизионные программа появляются одна за другой, к примеру телевиз...

The Origin of 12 zodiac signs—— Mysterious Mercury

In The Roots of Different Modes of Thinking—Zodiac signs , I proved that the theory of constellation was credible. A question has been haunting me since then; What celestial objects do affect the process of human thought? Apparently, it’s not the  constellation (celestial objects) in astrology. Because the 12 zodiac signs are the yearly circular revolution of Earth, nonetheless, there are almost no changes over the year between them and the Earth, hence, the only possibility is celestial bodies within the solar system, which must be Venus and Mercury. This is because other objects have yet to complete their revolution by the time the Earth has. To discover an answer to this question, I used the software SpaceEngine, and I used the Earth as a reference, to view the orbital pathway or those two planets. Venus : These numbers mark the position of Venus on the Birth Chart, specific time; 1.3 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.6 8.6 9.6 10.6 11.7 12.6(the median date of constellation.) I didn’t...


我在《思维差异的根源——星座》里证明星座可信后,一直在想一个问题:什么天体影响了人的思维? 很明显不是占星术里指的星座(天体),因为12个星座是地球公转1年的循环,而12个星座(天体)和地球之间的运行,在一年中几乎没有任何改变,所以只可能是太阳系内的天体,并且只可能是金星和水星,因为地球之外的天体,在地球公转一周后还没完成公转。为了搞清楚这个问题,我使用天文软件SpaceEngine,将地球作为参照物,查看这2个行星的运行轨迹  金星: 数字是金星在出生图所处的位置,具体时间:1.3 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.6 8.6 9.6 10.6 11.7 12.6(星座日期的中间值) 在绘制完金星的轨迹图后,我没看出所以然来…于是再绘制水星的轨迹图  水星: 让人欣喜若狂,水星在空间所处位置非常明显….  星座属相对照图:  上图:黄色线处3组数字距离很近,并且形状具有同样趋势,而2 、6、10却分别独立存在,且距离地球最远(橙色线) 且接近等边的三角形(红色) , 很巧:2 、6、10是风象星座,离地球最近的4、8、12是火象星座,这2组数字和地球的距离相反,而在占星学中,它们是对宫星座(思维特征相反)。并且每个数字的位置对立,对立的规律和星座里对宫的规律一样(下图)  剩下的土象星座(1、5 、9)和水像星座(3、7、11)有些模糊,于是我尝试别的年份,因为水星的公转时间是87.968天,且速度远高于地球,所以水星每年在出生图所处位置不一样,下图:非常有趣,土象星座(1、5 、9)和水象星座(3、7、11),变得清晰起来,它们分别与风象星座、火象星座位置交换了  出生区域图: 正圆——太阳轨道, 橙——土象星座, 黄——风 象星座, 蓝——水 象星座, 红——火 象星座 转个角度 脸型? 图里还有很多巧合,比如: 六芒星,图内有很多“3”…等等…  水星的几何规律和人类的意识(精神)有很大关系,然后在物理(现实)上也相应的体现出联系:  1.地球与水星在八大行星中的密度排名分别是:第1,第2,很接近。这2个天体密度大的原因都很不寻常 2.水星在类地行星中,它是除了地...

The Roots of Different Modes of Thinking——Criminology and AI

Applications for zodiac signs Directions for applying them When it comes to applying psychology two fields come to mind: psychiatry and criminal psychology. The main factors that cause mental illness are family and society—passive. Conversely, criminal psychology is mainly determined by self-aware decisions—active. This opinion will undoubtedly spur opposition from most psychologists. Explanation: Psychiatry : Traditional medicine attributes the factors that cause severe mental illnesses to the brain (material). The author believes that they are passive, that is, not problems related to cerebral nerves! The following references data from Phenomenology and Lacan on Schizophrenia after the Decade of the Brain (parental mental illness). The research of Alphonso De from Finland: Of 74 children who were fostered in healthy families, not a single one had an illness. Of 38 children from families with neural disorders, 4 children became ill. Of 47 children from families wi...